Tag Archives: cool commercials

David Lynch Signature Cup Coffee Commerical…

As you know, I’m still not a huge fan of his David Lynch Signature Cup coffee (organic-smorganic, give me my chemicals!) but, I’m still a mega-fan of Mr. David Lynch, the artist. So, when I heard that he’d directed a super-creepy 4 minute online ad for his coffee, co-starring Barbie? Well, how could I not share that shit with you?

The ad runs a bit long and like I said, is a tad disturbing — a couple times it looks like Barbie’s pretty little head is gonna pop right off in Mr. Lynch’s hand, yikes! — it is also really darkly hilarious as well, so, enjoy!

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Filed under Eat, See

Best Super Bowl Ad (2010 Edition)

OK, so, we didn’t post a link to our favorite Super Bowl ad last year, or the year before, but starting today, Christine and I have decided to post our favorite of the dozens of crazy-expensive, wildly over-produced Super Bowl ads that air each year during the big game. Yes, amigos, we still Tivo the game strictly for the commercials. But we do always watch the halftime show — which rocked! Long live, The Who! — so, that counts for something, right?

Anyway, I gotta say that this year’s crop of commercials was a little weak compared to years past and most of the heavily-hyped ads were downright lame. Betty White playing football for Snickers? Funny concept, but stupid ending. Same thing with Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo hamming it up as the Griswold’s in that painfully-stupid Homeaway.com promo. Yikes…

And though we loved the Bud Light ads — that beer can house was hilarious! — the one commercial that came out of left field and moved us both to tears — seriously, we were totally bawling — was the Google Search Stories ad: “Parisian Love”. Simple, elegant, and beautifully produced, it was a sweeping, epic love story stuffed into one lovely little minute. Really touching stuff. Wow…

And if you enjoyed that one, there is actually an entire Google Search Stories channel on YouTube (who knew?) with a bunch of other equally-cool commercials. So, check it out!

Also, dying to hear which ads you loved or hated this year, so, comment away…


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