Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker!

Earlier this year we dog-sat one weekend for our vacationing friends, fellow Burbank-dwellers Nic and Dan. And even though the unfettered access to their washer and dryer and premium cable channels — we caught up on “Entourage”,”Big Love” and finally watched the May-December soft-core classic “White Palace” in its entirety! — was payment enough, they recently gave us another, even cooler gift…the Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker!

Our new Red Hot Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker!

Available exclusively in the U.K. and Ireland “at all good cookshops, department stores and variety stores”, the Flavour Shaker is the patented invention of our favorite MALE English chef, Jamie Oliver. Since Nic is English, she had her mum (thanks, mum!) pick one up for us at Sainsbury’s (which sounds kind of like the Whole Foods of England).

Since we’ve hungrily eyed the Flavour Shaker at Amazon UK a few times over the years, you can imagine our excitement when Nic presented Christine with the super cool red (it’s called “Red Hot”) Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker. Nic joked that we are probably the first people in America to have one. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’d bet money we’re the only folks in Burbank with a Red Hot Flavour Shaker! Who-hoo!

And as you can see from the picture below, even our new kitty Nigella — named for Jamie’s uptown rival, our favorite FEMALE English chef, Nigella Lawson — appreciates Jamie’s Flavour Shaker. Wow!

Even Nigella likes Jamie’s Flavour Shaker!

Though we haven’t actually used it yet, the directions are quite simple. Plop in your whole and hard ingredients (cloves, seeds, garlic, etc.) and drop in the included ceramic ball. Screw the two halves of the shaker together and shake it vigorously or as Jamie would say “give it a right good bashing”. Once everything is ground to your liking, add the dry ingredients (cumin, paprika, tumeric, etc.) and give it another shake.

The last step is to add any liquid ingredients (oils, creams, whatever) shake it hard and then scoop out the mixture with the trademarked Flavour Shaker Spoon (also included). Wow, not only is it really cool looking, but it’s also a breeze to use or, as Mr. Oliver would say: “Easy peasy!”

Thanks again to Nic and Dan for the awesome gift. Can’t wait to use it! For more information (including a funny “how to” video) or to purchase a Flavour Shaker of your very own, check out Jamie’s super cool Flavour Shaker site at: http://www.flavourshaker.co.uk/default.aspx


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6 responses to “Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker!

  1. What will that Jamie Oliver think of next!?

  2. Glad you like the flavor shaker! Sainsbury’s is the best. It’s like Whole Foods with clothes and kitchen appliances. Although Nic prefers Tesco.

  3. david

    dear sir had a shaker bought for christmas it has started to chip round the edges and i think it shoude be ponted out to the makers but i do not know who makes them hope you can help thank you david

  4. yeti9000

    Thanks for your comments, David. Don’t know if I can be of any help in getting you a new flavour shaker, sir. But I will say that time has not been kind to our shaker either as it has begun to leak a bit when we use it…

    Guess Jamie’s quality control is not what it used to be! 🙂

  5. How do I reach brother Oliver by mail or email ? I have had an idea that I’d like to pass by him that could improve the flavour shaker manufacturing process.

  6. yeti9000

    I believe Brother Oliver can be reached most afternoons around tea time at his usual table out front of Brother Johnson’s cafe in Baldwin Hills.

    Please do let me know if you reach him…

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