Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Avedon

My brother, the photographer, has always told me that the late, great Richard Avedon was a much more diverse photographer than he was given credit for. See, like most people, I always thought of Avedon as a sort of predecessor to Annie Leibovitz, someone who took really famous pictures of really famous people. Well, I was wrong. Kind of.

It’s true, Avedon’s body of work was much more diverse than I’d expected. But, it’s also true that he shot some pretty iconic celebrity portraits in his day. Take, for instance, these two gorgeous shots he took of the late Elizabeth Taylor.

From what I gather online, the pic with Avedon’s red editing marks on it is from 1958 and the very dramatic, feathered headdress portrait is from 1964.

My apologies for geeking out over Miss Taylor again, but, I had never seen either of these pics until today, and, they kinda knocked my socks off. So, here’s hoping you guys feel the same way…


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4 responses to “Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Avedon

  1. Well get a load of her get up for Boom. She looked pretty normal otherwise throughout that movie. I think she wore this one to dinner. LOL

  2. Wow, Longshot! Now that is a hat!! So cool!

  3. I cannot believe I came across this link. Yeah still infatuated with all the stories and pictures coming out on Burton. But I know you will enjoy it. The Author obvious also a fan of Boom!


  4. Actually was looking at images on Bing. That is how I came across the picture and it had it linked it to the origin of the picture.

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